Monday, October 27, 2008

Outing to the Gila National Forest

Went with my three adult sons (and one grandson) to the Gila National Forest in the mountains of New Mexico October 16 - 19th. Had a really great time. Hiked, rode the ATVs, shot firearms (safely) at targets, soaked in a hot spring, told stories around the campfire under a blazing canopy of stars. Cool, crisp, sunny. Hard to imagine it being any better. Photos up at

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The passing of a voice of reason

Phil Clapp has passed away. Learn why you should care at

Within the world of environmental activism, a true voice of reason is hard to come by, and Mr. Clapp will be sorely missed.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Sold the Neil Diamond Tickets!

Craigslist finally came through. I sold the tickets (at a great discount.) Didn't get all the money back, but did, at least, minimize the lost. Thank you Craigslist!

Nothing is as EZ as it should be!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

National Goals

The goals as stated below are those of Afghanistan, as expressed on their national Web page at

Other than wanting the U.S. to be a secular rather than an Islamic democracy, and honoring ALL of our heritages, the goals they have stated would be what I would want for my land. I wish them the best of luck, and hope that we in the U.S. can do as well.

"By the solar year 1400 (2020), Afghanistan will be:

A stable Islamic constitutional democracy at peace with itself and its neighbours, standing with full dignity in the international family.

A tolerant, united, and pluralist nation that honors its Islamic heritage and deep aspirations toward participation, justice, and equal rights for all.

A society of hope and prosperity based on a strong private sector-led market economy, social equity, and environmental sustainability."

Nothing is as EZ as it should be!

Why can't I sell two tickets to Neil Diamond?

I have two good tickets to a Neil Diamond concert at the AT&T Center in San Antonio for this Sunday evening, October 12, 2008. I can't use them and I've been unable to sell them. I've posted them on Craigslist and got nary a nibble. I've called all my peers to no avail. I know Ticketmaster is sold out. I wonder why no one wants these tickets. Nothing is as EZ as it should be!