Thursday, September 29, 2011
Hate crimes, legislation, and speech.
Actions and motivations may certainly be motivated by hate. People generally hate what they fear. Fear can be overcome by knowledge and understanding. Finger-pointing and name-calling do not further knowledge and understanding. Ad-hominem attacks always make things worse and are generally the response of the ignorant to things they fear. It is wrong to *assume* that a person's disapproval of any action or belief is hate-driven. A person can be opposed to hunting on moral grounds without hating hunters. Their belief and the opposition to the action of hunting does not make them a hater. Their ad-hominem attacks on hunters make them a hater. Now we have to ask: who uses name-calling and ad-hominem attacks in their rhetoric? When you see that, you are seeing a hate-driven action. You see it from both sides, but the attacks from the left toward the right seem to be much more personal and vitriolic, a simple example is the oft-heard: You only disagree with our current president because you are a hateful racist. B.S. You only favor Right-to-Work over union domination because you are an unreformed slave owner. B.S. You only go to Tea Party rallies because you are a White Supremacist. B.S. I can disagree with the administration's policies and actions based on my beliefs and understandings regarding those policies and actions regardless of the race/color/creed/orientation of anyone in that administration. The left does not seem to be able to differentiate between support/opposition to policies and support/opposition of persons. The left is not rational in that respect. A person may have a family member or friend whose actions are distasteful and, to some, morally wrong. It does not mean they hate that person if they try to rationally influence the behavior. Sometimes, as they come to knowledge and understanding their feelings and beliefs moderate or change. But calling them haters or other names does nothing to further change. Sadly, there are extremists on both ends of the political spectrum. Each person deserves thoughtful respect of their beliefs and thoughts. Why can't the we get that simple human courtesy from each other?
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There IS so much acrimony and hate, though, especially directed at the gay community. Did you know that homosexual men are not allowed to donate blood, semen, or bone marrow? Did you know that there is no laws that protect homosexuals from being fired from their jobs simply for being gay? Did you know that gay people cannot adopt children? Did you know that if a gay person's partner is ill and in the hospital, they may have no visitation rights to see the person they love, because they are not considered "family?" Did you know that in a court of lay the "gay panic defense" is considered legitimate (that is, "he hit on me and it scared/enraged me so much that I lost control and killed him")? Did you know that in the month of Sept, 2010, nine teenagers committed suicide because they were being actively bullied over their sexuality? They were being tormented by other children, and the adults responsible for their safety turned a blind eye. Here's their names and ages:
Billy Lucas (15) September 9, 2010. Indiana
Cody J. Barker (17) September 13, 2010. Wisconsin
Seth Walsh (13) September 19, 2010. California
Tyler Clementi (18) September 22, 2010. New Jersey
Asher Brown (13) September 23, 2010. Texas
Harrison Chase Brown (15) September, 25 2010. Colorado
Raymond Chase (19) September 29, 2010. Rhode Island
Felix Sacco (17) September 29, 2010. Massachusetts
Caleb Nolt (14) September 30, 2010. Indiana
I am certain that there are some people who are against gay marriage but don't hate gays. But when the vast majority of what you see in the news is vitriolic lies, statements about how gay people are second-class citizens and have no right to be afforded the same joys and lifestyle that everyone else can have, how can you HONESTLY tell yourself that this is not a hate-based issue?
Definitely not a hate-based issue, no siree, no hate here...
I did not say that hate does not exist. I simply said that all disagreement is not, by default, hateful nor rooted in hate. To say otherwise strikes me as hateful.
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