Friday, October 7, 2022

Modern machines. Do they make life EZ?

You can’t win the battle against the machines. They just bide their time until you are completely dependent upon them then they execute a suicide mission inflicting great pain and misery on you, slave to their needs. Last week it was the Roomba. This week the dishwasher. Absolutely refusing to do their expected duties until they are thoroughly and lovingly massaged by people who charge more per hour than a heart surgeon. Next week, I assume, will be the refrigerator’s turn to suck several hundred dollars out of our budget. I feel betrayed—I have NEVER let them go without electricity. Twice a month they have been dusted or lovingly wiped down. I have no defense and have abandoned the skills needed to be happy without them. Now pardon me, I must go give the Maytag a loving pat…

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