I awoke this morning thinking that I did not feel well by any measure.
Physically, I felt fatigued and achy. My digestion wasn't behaving well.
Emotionally, I felt drained, down, and blue.
Intellectually, I felt like I had given up.
Spiritually, I felt empty. I would not have known how to answer if someone asked my why I existed.
But still, nature called. My loyal and loving fluffy white dog, Dak, needed his morning walk. With effort, I slowly dressed and donned my hat and coat. Gathering the clean-up bags, training treats, and his leash along with my strength, I called him. With the leash secured to his harness, at the speed of a snail, we were off.
My canvas slip-ons made a chuff-chuff sound. I saw the cracks in the concrete walkway, rabbit droppings and discarded gum wrappers littered the path as I shuffled along, head down. I did not feel any spring in my step. The chill morning breeze knifed through my light fleece jacket.
'Why,' I wondered, 'do I even bother with this. Dak could do his business in the back yard without me.'
As I drew a deep sigh, something to my right, a flash of light, caught my attention. I stopped and shifted my view up and to the East. And there it was. A stunning sunrise. Not yet above the Superstitions, the sun's golden-yellow presence was making itself felt in a halo over the mountains. The powerful light turned the wispy overhead cirrus clouds to magnificent shades from gray to purple to pink to almost white. The night sky was yielding to a graduated blue – lighter on the horizon and darker directly above. The golden glow of the morning sun was reflected about me. The plain, gray concrete walk even glowed with a reddish tint. This was just what I needed.
In this sunrise, in an instant, God showed me beauty all around that I had temporarily forgotten existed. It lifted me.
Physically, I didn't feel much different, but the body aches and grumbly tummy didn't seem so important any more.
Emotionally, as I looked up, I felt up.
Intellectually, it seemed there was much to do, and enjoy this day.
Spiritually, thankful. Perhaps I had a smile or an encouraging word to share with someone who needed it.
For this, and so much more, I am thankful to my God.
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