Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Local control may not be EZ but is worth it.

The Washington Post recently ran an article titled, When a Deep Red Town's Only Grocery Closed, City Hall Opened Its Own Store. Just Don't Call It 'Socialism.'


The thrust of the article is the irony of this conservative stronghold employing socialism to allow their community to survive. Surely these "salt of the earth" deplorables must hate having their local governemnt involved in what has traditionally been a private enterprise. If they don't, then shame on them, seems to be the voice in the article, for not supporting Basic Minimum Income, Wealth Redistribution, Medicare for All, and the Green New Deal.

What the author (and editor) and the far left in general seem to miss, completely, is the key word "Local."

Our nation has a long and proud history of neighbors helping neighbors and running communal institutions to do that. My father and grandfather in the late 19th and through the mid-20th century were members of local agricultural co-operatives. Most unions started as local organizations of workers. Conservatives are not against neighbor helping neighbor.

What conservatives DON'T want is for bureaucrats in a far-off national capital telling them what they must do, how to do it, and punishing them with taxes or worse if they don't toe the line. Conservatives want local goals, actions, and control.

It wasn't hard to understand in 1890. I don't know why it isn't EZ to understand today.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Making movies is not EZ.

Went to see Ford vs Ferrari last night. Really an excellent movie. Very intense, especially in IMAX. The surround sound made you really feel "there." The movie is a techical tour de force. Filmed in California and Georgia, each lap of the 8-mile Le Mans track viewed in the movie meant that a car traveled from California to Georgia and back. Excellent use of physical and CGI special effects. Matt Damon owns the part of Carroll Shelby. I recall seeing TV interviews with Texan Shelby and with Brit Ken Miles back in the '60s. Obviously, Damon and Bale have watched those interviews, too. An interesting note was Jon Bernthal as Lee Iococca. It would be neat to see Iococca's reaction to the Mach-E if he were still around (note: he died in July of this year.) I also thought that Caitonia Balfe did a wonderful job playing Ken's wife, Mollie. Behind every great man stands a very patient woman. These actors brought the vision to life, but that vision belongs to the director, James Mangold, and all I can say, is Thank God someone had the money to let him bring that vision to the screen. There is a little profanity used, but it fits in so naturally with the characters and the situations that my dear wife didn't even notice (Rated PG-13).