Saturday, April 1, 2023

And it's back...

The melanoma in my right ear lobe is back. I noted a small, irritated lesion in early February. I called the triage nurse at MD Anderson. She conferred with medical staff and told me to see my dermatologist. It took a couple weeks to get an appointment with the dermatologist. By then, there were a number of small lesions on and around my right ear lobe. She said it didn't look like a cancer and prescribed a 10-day course of anti-viral and antibiotic medicines and a steroid cream for the ear. During that time it got continually worse. At first follow up with her, mid-March, she took a biopsy.

I got the results on Thursday, March 30, 2023. Positive for melanoma. By now, the entire ear is inflamed and there are at least 8 lesions on the external ear, plus I have a swollen, sore, red spot on my neck just below the ear. I have an appointment Monday, April 3 at MD Anderson for ultrasonic scan of the head and neck and evaluation by the clilnician. Ironically, this appointment was made in December, as a routine follow up to the surgery which removed melanoma tissue from my ear and three lymph glands in my neck after my October 28, 2022 melanoma diagnosis.

This is my fifth positive cancer diagnosis to date.

Thursday, April 6, 2023 I will go back to MD Anderson, this time for a repeat PSA test and CT scan to see how the possible reaccurence of prostate cancer is faring.

Oh, but the broken rib has apparently healed well -- no pain or problems in that area.

Stay tuned.

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