Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Continuing Saga of Things That Ain't EZ

I learned today that my former massage therapist, of San Antonio, Texas, has just been diagnosed with malignant melanoma of the skin from the exact same type of lesion that I had -- a pyogenic granuloma. Mine on the ear, hers on her leg. This seems especially weird that another person that I know quite well would be found to have the same challenge as I at the same time as I when the doctors tell us that "less then 1/2 of 1%" of the biopsied pyogenic granulomae are positive for melanoma. Just seems strange. She was my (very excellent) massage therapist for nearly 10 years prior to our move to Arizona, and provided massage services to Glenda, as well. She is a very nice person and I wish her all the best in her battle with this cancer. I start my post-diagnosis journey tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Mesa, Arizona. One thing that seems somewhat encouraging: As I studied up on this disease from documents of the National Institutes of Health, my doctor's name was on a number of those peer-reviewed published articles.

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